Fast forward nine months (wow, we could have had another baby by now - jinx) and we thankfully fit in our long-awaited date before their big move. I had the blog all planned out...and then forgot my camera in my car, which was at work with Hubby. Let's decide that me painting a picture with words will keep our experience sacred {we'll laugh about it one day, just like Chaucer's, right?}.
We went to Windsor Arms' Tea Room, and chose a couch in the corner of the deep purple velvet half. Here's the tea I chose:
Passion & Envy
The Fresh Taste of Sencha Leaf
with the Sensuous Passion Fruit;
evocative of Moments and Energy
in Thought
No idea what that description was supposed to mean, but it tasted yummy. After OD'ing on devon cream, shrinking at the sight of the raisin-infested scone (the one thing we didn't touch), delighting in the very pretty rolled sandwiches (about the size of Maki - do we eat 'em whole? use our forks? cut 'em in pieces? I felt so ghetto not knowing....but when someone across the room is licking the inside of the preserves jar, I guess our etiquette issues weren't so bad), all I kept thinking was, I want to have a tea party! No, seriously. I have fancy tea cups (a perk of packing up a bought-out investment firm's office), but I think I might start looking for old teapots and tiered stands. And maybe some lace gloves and a hat.'> May 16, 2009 at 9:39 AM
I would have loved to see you two scrambling secretly. So FUNNY! The picture in my head is probably a million times crazier than your pictures would have been though. And, I just realized, I was supposed to send you some dresses so you could see what would make you look suburban wife. But you should totally do the lace gloves and hat thing. You'd look hot.
P.S. I'd totally come to your tea party. I'd even bring my teddy bear. Oh wait, that's for pretend ones. But seriously, it would be fun!