Son of a Other! What a week of television!
On Monday I enjoyed watching my newly-married cousin and her hubby on The Agents, a show on W Network about the lives and work of real estate agents. Since my house was new construction, I was even educated about the resale home-buying process. And a very nice house too, I might add.
And then Wednesday came. The dreaded LOST season finale. Dreaded only because we Losties now have to wait until early 2010 for the beginning of the next and final season of the series. Otherwise it was confusing and shocking and fantastic. As always.
And then last night's Grey's Anatomy season finale was unbelievable. I screamed a few times. I probably cried too. Loved the soundtrack. And the ending was wonderful. I don't care that it was a bit of a media-induced cliffhanger. It was perfect. (And, if I may, Alex is a *ick. Grrr.)
What in the world will I do with myself next week?'> May 16, 2009 at 9:35 AM
I know, I'm tempted to watch all the finales all over again...
But I WILL watch all seasons of Lost until the finale comes around...I'm going to be prepared!!'> May 17, 2009 at 10:45 PM
Monday is the new Bachelorette and she's from Calgary! I love her!