It is finished.

Posted On 7:58 PM |

And so the 5.5 week birthday roller coaster has slowed to a halt.

I'm pooped.

It's actually not even done yet; we have a First Communion celebration in three weeks. But let's worry about that later. (and on that note, God bless Big Sister #3 as she begins her 3 consecutive weeks of happy chaos at her house...Easter/Birthday Party/First Communion)

Since the two younger kids have birthdays nine days apart, we did a party for them together. They each had five classmates over. And one other forgotten guest that always tags along. May Hem. My favourite line of the day: "I'm kind of a picky eater. Can I just have a glass of water?" My favourite horrifying moment of the day: finding out that my Big Boy brought his classmates up to our bedroom....where I "concealed" (or so I frickin' thought) some mess. Proudest moment: the kids responding "okay" without hesitation to the idea of asking their friends for food bank donations instead of presents. I was absolutely overwhelmed by the generosity of their friends and our family who accepted the offer (and sweetly, the kids still had quite a collection of gifts still to open). We collected about two plastic utility bins full of non-perishable food items and brought them to the local food bank this morning. They got to see the inside of the operation, with volunteers sorting their contributions, just in time for Easter too, and received a lot of kudos from the staff there for their good work.

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1 Response to 'It is finished.'
  1. {sam}'> April 13, 2009 at 10:02 AM

    I love this idea! (and your picture's not too shabby either :P)