I'm happy that my dear middle-child (and I know exactly what it's all about; I'm no. 4 of 6) and I have passed the seven-year-itch and we are both still in one piece. She has always been my lesson that every child is NOT the same and you must raise them all differently. I have always tried (maybe I should italicize "tried" too) to foster a love of her unique personality, a positive self-image, to focus on her strengths...and maybe this sounds corny, but if you know her, you know why I mention this.
She's got a cackly laugh that's got the same level of character as her dad's, she never leaves her bed unmade in the mornings, and boy, does she say the darnedest things:
- (we're walking by the hanging roast pig at a Chinese BBQ booth) "*Gasp!* Mommy, is that a BEAR??"
- (my grandmother is 99) "Mommy, when Jesus was born, was Lola Lola born too?"
Happy Birthday to my little girl...