Waiting Game

Posted On 9:45 AM |

One can do a lot of waiting in one day.

Waiting for a phone call that, as it turns out, was dependent on an email that received no reply, and, so, has not come yet.

Waiting for a Big Boy to decide on the perfect bell for his bicycle.

Waiting for same Big Boy to stop being so lazy and ride back home on said bicycle.

Waiting for two pans of pure sin to finish baking (definitely more on that later).

Waiting for the gingling of keys to signal the arrival of a big hug and some take-out for dinner.

Waiting for just one little bolt of lightning so the ref could call the game and Little Girl wouldn't have to spend an hour in the cold wind and rain.

Waiting for her second sentence so I could confirm that the taunting "Unavailable" on the caller ID was, in fact, my Fave.

Well, it was her, we got through the whole game, had some good Chinese for dindin, there's a lot of evil chocolate on my counter right now, I pushed the bike home, we're putting the bell on this weekend....and I'm still waiting on that call, but I trust it's coming.
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2 Response to 'Waiting Game'
  1. Rachel
    http://leiskitchen.blogspot.com/2009/06/waiting-game.html?showComment=1245345737527#c6350114556889738041'> June 18, 2009 at 1:22 PM

    Had I known you were waiting for her to call, I would have warned you that she comes up as "unavailable."


  2. Lei's Kitchen
    http://leiskitchen.blogspot.com/2009/06/waiting-game.html?showComment=1245354285711#c1530892247361719603'> June 18, 2009 at 3:44 PM

    Well, the call was unexpected, but seeing that "unavailable" when she or my sister call is just cruel!