You dirty little sons of *itches.....

Just when I reached my happy place and embraced that all the expensive purses I needed (and I use that term lightly), I already owned. I only have two. Basic black.


Here's the large version in black. With bags these days getting a little further from my style, these ones are pretty cute. I have such a weakness for silly things like that..."my bag is named Leah"...and because my first name starts with a 'C', I always thought myself more worthy than the masses to sport any of the Signature print pieces. You don't know how disturbing it is for me, looking up at the window tab and seeing:

Coach :: Leah

I am seriously facing a moral dilemma.

And this summer might find me standing in front of my namesakes with the same two girlfriends who introduced me to my first Coach handbag. If they release a blue version, I'm gonna get in so much trouble.

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4 Response to 'This bag has my name written all over it.'
  1. Treeh
    April 16, 2009 at 1:52 PM


    But seriously, how cool would it be to have a bag that has the same name as you? Look at me, I have a hurricane. It sucks. I'd rather have a bag.


  2. u_turnlady
    April 17, 2009 at 3:51 PM

    ummm, you need to get this bag just coz it was named after you!


  3. kaleihiwahiwa
    April 17, 2009 at 11:57 PM

    guess what sistah? my friend works at coach and offers me discounts! actually, she has this pattern, but i don't know what her bag's name is. let me know how far into the rabbit hole you want to travel.


  4. Lei's Kitchen
    April 19, 2009 at 11:23 AM

    I'll travel as far down as I need to if there's a pot of gold in that rabbit hole....