Hump Day Rambling

Posted On 9:32 AM |

I'll try to keep this positive and not too dramatic, but the monthly hormone surge and exhaustion are dictating my mood this week.


I have found a place where I am constantly encouraged to make myself better and am surrounded by great people when I am there. I am generously supported with good ideas, coaching and listening ears that only want to help me succeed.
There are people there who are in the same boat as me, and some who are on a totally different chapter. And we all share the same thing - hope. And it's great. You can feel the energy when you walk into the room.
This place is not exactly my destination, but more of my vehicle. It is bringing me closer to the ideal life I seek for myself and my family. And very honestly, for the people on my team and future members who want the same peace. It's hard to explain how it has very quickly become about getting them to where they want to be and less about "my cut".
I know what I want. I know where I'd love to be, as soon as possible. So how do I get there, while doing what I do now? Frankly, I'm so tired. But I'm literally going to start researching natural energy boosters. Because I need to get myself there soon. And I'll be so proud of myself when I get there without coffee or Red Bull.
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1 Response to 'Hump Day Rambling'
  1. mva'> November 14, 2007 at 8:17 PM

    Hey.. I didn't even know you had a blog. :o)

    Healthy energy drinks are what I'm in too nowadays. I'm also on a antioxidant kick. Besides drinking 1 coffee in the morning, and 2-3 cups of green tea throughout the day, I've started drinking a glass of Arthurs Juice (Acai Plus or Green Energy) OR Bolthouse Farms (C-Boost). Arthurs Juice ( can be found at Dominion. Bolthouse Farms ( be found at Loblaws.

    I don't eat enough fruit or vegs so these are great tasty suppliments!