
Posted On 9:28 AM |

Okay so the week off work was about 5% rest (since waking up at 7am each morning gave me an extra 2.5 hrs of rest each day), 30% celebrating (more on that later) and 65% running around doing stuff that ate up all my time and energy.

So now I'm back at work and my mine still feels full of stuff "to do". Thankfully, I finished my November newsletter and blasted that out. I have my annual Holiday open house(s) next week and have yet to work out all the details (but I swear it will be fun; I am changing things up this year, possibly the format of all my future Shows!). There's a whole bunch of other stuff floating around in my head that I can't catch for long enough to type about it....

Despite all that, I'm still distracting myself with wedding inspiration and invitation design websites. Lil' sister's wedding isn't until July '08 but we're working on some early-stage details now, so the fun is just beginning. But anyone who knows me knows that I'm obsessed with this kind of stuff. And that blog I have down there on my list is like a drug for me; I could go on it, click on the links, get lost in other links....for HOURS. I'm not kidding.

Okay I should get back to work (meaning I found another stationary site).
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