March Madness

Posted On 11:56 PM |

The first day of March starts a 5.5 week whirlwind in our home, with all three kids' birthdays being celebrated during that time.  With my mind constantly busy with party plans, March Break and bad hair, please forgive that this is a summary in pictures of the month we had.  Or, rather, the food we enjoyed last month.

My big girl turned twelve, and celebrated with a big girls/young ladies dinner party.  Complete with younger siblings serving their meal.  Caesar Salad ~ Four Cheese Tortellini with Pesto Cream Sauce ~ A mountain of cream puffs with strawberries and a birthday candle on top
The next day, four out of five of us sisters went on our traditional pre-labour girly date.  (My sweet, sweet nephew Mr. D arrived two days later)  A delicious dinner at one of my all-time favourite restaurants, Real Thailand.

The day the five of us rented and watched Food Inc. we enjoyed a nacho platter made with happy beef.  It is absolutely true: you'll never look at dinner the same way.

The March Break was sweet and cold...

...and apparently tastes better in 3D.

And the home stretch was celebrated at good ol' Chuck E Cheese, with cheese pizza and a cake that unfortunately doesn't taste like it used to, but was still super festive.

With spring shaping up to be unusually mild, I predict the next food photo album to include some barbecue...
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1 Response to 'March Madness'
  1. Sybil'> July 11, 2013 at 3:47 AM

    Nice cake and lovely children. What a rosy picture!