It's a busy week....

Posted On 12:49 PM |

  • On Tuesday I volunteered at the kiddies' school making pancakes for Pancake Tuesday. If I don't see another pancake for two years, I'll be fine.
  • Wednesday marked the start of Lent. Giving up red meat and impatience; praying more.
  • My big sister, big sister-hubby and my goddaughter are coming in less than a week from WA. Feeling all warm and fuzzy as we count down.
  • It's official: four of my best girls can finally start packing for the big move to the new home and Sunshine that eagerly await them.
  • My big girl turns eleven on Sunday. We've already shared some clothes and her feet are size 5 women's. Tito, pass me a tissue.
  • We're having a big birthday sleepover on Saturday night with my nieces and nephews. Plus two cousins from QC are in town. In total there will be fifteen bodies in the house. Happy chaos:)
  • I just joined a blog community and have no idea how it works. I've become the anti-tech-saavy adult I used to giggle at in elementary school (remember when the teachers couldn't operate the movie projectors or VCRs?).
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