A Gift For You...

Posted On 11:59 PM |

**photos will be posted after August 1st;)**

To our very favourite newlyweds to be:

As our gift to you, I'd like to offer to make the paper goods for your big day:)

  • Save the Dates
  • Invitations
  • Programs
  • Menu Cards

That is, if you aren't already committed to another supplier (this is me being sneaky and asking 5 days after The Proposal;)), and if the design you want doesn't require things like feathers or fur (not sure I can source that stuff...).

Simply show me what you want and I'll make it for you.

And just to assure you that you won't end up with construction paper, crayons and school glue, I will post a few pics of my work here on the same post in the coming days.

Looking for inspiration? One of my favourite sites (which is a good starting point to a whole pile of other sites) is http://www.stylemepretty.com/ .

Think about it...:)

Love you guys,


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