
Posted On 3:02 PM |

I love hearing people talk about their thirst for or missions to achieve a balanced, authentic life. Thankfully, this happens more often than in years past. Maybe it's because my peers and I are *ahem*getting older. Maybe it's because people in general are, in fact, becoming more enlightened and straying away from the more conventional, temporary worldly fixes.

People are staying home to raise their children full-time, they are working part-time, they are starting their own businesses, they are going back to school, they are coming out of the closet, they are having more than 1.7 children, they are moving abroad to provide a better life for their families, they are marrying their soulmates, they are running marathons or becoming triathletes, they are praying, they are climbing mountains, they are living with vs. dying from, they are retreating in search of peace, they are eating better and exercising, they are asking for help, they are pursuing their passions, they are learning to say "no".....

I am humbled and inspired and so excited for you all.
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1 Response to 'Truth'
  1. u_turnlady'> September 16, 2008 at 6:28 PM

    Amen to this! Love this blog.