Goodbye my friend

Posted On 12:06 PM |

I de-activated my Facebook account and deleted my Pampered Chef group on the site.
I joined long before it got out of hand...before anybody had over 576 friends, before there were 75 applications to add to your page, before we all started looking at pictures of our neighbour's friend's ex's new girlfriend's drunken vacation in Cuba (ah, the beauty of tagging without permission). It was fun in the beginning, reuniting with some old friends, generating some leads for my business, but the novelty wore off many months ago. I don't even go on the site anymore. I went on today only because a stranger sent me a message.

I feel great. Time to re-start maintaining friendships the old-fashioned way.
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1 Response to 'Goodbye my friend'
  1. Treeh'> April 14, 2008 at 9:15 AM

    YAY!! I'm gonna miss you. Haha!